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Visiting Jerusalem when I was 17 years old, our church group crossed over into Jordan where we were all baptized in the Jordan River. On Mon Sep 30th 2013 at 02:44:28 Pay It Forward You were here to my knowledge still trying to tell me your opinion was a fact. “Also it’s a sissy act to attack me when I can’t fight back, just like this bullying ban to begin with.”-I did not attack you when you couldn’t fight back. “-That is great but what part of any of this equals a fact. Remember when the Louisiana judge wouldn’t marry a black man and white woman? He was blasted (rightfully) all up and down the media. It is based on savage notions of racial purity that the vast majority of educated people reject. “If they aren’t, is it ok to support laws prohibiting interracial couples? That’s a direct attack on personal freedom. I personally don’t care who a person dates or even marries. What they believe is also not a fact and should not be peddled as such. What you believe is not a fact and should not be peddled as such. On Mon Sep 30th 2013 at 00:35:10 up! I don’t and did not care what you believed, but you tried to claim it as fact.

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